Hedy Schleifer and the power of connection

Hedy Schleifer is internationally known as a psychologist, speaker, and storyteller. She has dedicated her life to relationship building and the development of relational intelligence and maturity. She has 40 years of professional experience in psychology as well as over 55 years of personal experience in her marriage to Yumi.

Her Ted Talk is one of the most beautiful and inspiring I’ve heard yet. I love the way she talks about the space between us.

Bobbie Harte Shaw, MS MFT

Bobbie is committed to helping clients (re)connect with themselves and each other. She’s a radical advocate for grief, embodiment, self-compassion, healthy sexuality, emotional intelligence, and valuing every stage of the lifespan. She offers holistic psychotherapy to adult individuals and couples.


“There is only one of you in all of time”


My journaling practice